Second half of 20th

Century till nowCity of refugees

In the middle of the 20th century, more than 200 million people were refugees – worldwide.

With the establishing of the refugee-camp reception centre and transit camp in Meisenbornweg, which now is the central accommodation facility for asylum seekers, Gießen became a centre of escape routes. In the past 70 years, people of diverse backgrounds found a first place to go here: firstly people from Eastern European countries, the Soviet Zone and the German Democratic Republic, later emigrants from the Soviet Union and the following community of states CIS, followed by people from South America, Turkey, the Balkan region, Iran, Iraq and Maghreb states.

Lately, mainly refugees from war-torn countries such as Afghanistan, Syria and countries in northern and eastern Africa sought shelter here and also people who were persecuted in their home countries. Often, they made their way to Gießen on highly dangerous routes. Many people stuck their most important documents to their bodies. Many only stay in the city until their legal status has been clarified, others stay and decide to shape and change the city.